GOAL: Acquire the knowledge in Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics necessary to provide service and consultation in the field of CT-TM.
Rajalingam Raja, Ph.D., D(ABHI)
Professor of Clinical Surgery, Department of Surgery
Director, Immunogenetics and Transplantation Laboratory
University of California, San Francisco
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 476-0647; Mobile: (310) 266-4859
Mailing/Shipping Address:
3333 California Street, Suite 150,
San Francisco, CA 94118
Web Site: UCSF Immunogenetics and Transplantation Lab
STRUCTURE: This rotation takes place at the UCSF Immunogenetics and Transplantation Laboratory.
DURATION: One month
- Understand the HLA system (structure, function, polymorphism, evolution and disease association).
- Understand the role of HLA antibodies in transplantation and importance of HLA matching in solid organ and stem cell transplantation.
- Understand the principles of HLA antibody screening and characterization by cytoxicity, flow cytometry and luminex technology.
- Understand the principles of crossmatch testing (cytoxicity and flow cytometry).
- Understand the clinical significance of HLA antibodies in various clinical contexts.
- Understand the principles of molecular HLA typing (SSP, SSOP, NGS) and review of clinical files.
- Understand the polymorphic non-MHC genes in immunity (NK cell receptors, cytokine genes, minor histocompatibility antigens, single nucleotide polymorphism and microsatellites).
- Describe the Deceased Donor Processing.
- Perform patient antibody analysis and review of clinical files and test interpretation.
- Observe laboratory demonstration (including specimen processing, HLA typing, antibody identification and reporting).
- Learn the quality system administration and laboratory administration by involving in the weekly supervisors meeting and monthly quality system meeting.
- Present peer-reviewed journal articles in the Journal club and other appropriate meetings.
Optional: Perform a research project.
Additional useful information:
Many of these objectives may be met by attending the ITL coursework that is scheduled three times per year. Contact person for the ITL course work is Mrs. Annie Szeto (Email: [email protected]).