
Red blood cell urate levels are linked to hemolysis in vitro and post-transfusion as a function of donor sex, population and genetic polymorphisms in SLC2A9 and ABCG2.


Key AM, Earley EJ, Tzounakas VL, Anastasiadi AT, Nemkov T, Stephenson D, Dzieciatkowska M, Reisz JA, Keele GR, Deng X, Stone M, Kleinman S, Hansen KC, Norris PJ, Busch MP, Roubinian NH, Page GP, D'Alessandro A

Human leukocyte antigen alloimmunization in a randomized trial of amustaline/glutathione pathogen-reduced red cells in complex cardiac surgery patients.


Norris PJ, Stone M, Di Germanio C, Balasko B, Kaidarova Z, Friend H, Varrone J, Corash L, Mufti N, Benjamin RJ

How do we engage with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in blood donation and research? Reflections from the Assessing Donor Variability and New Concepts in Eligibility study.


Crowder LA, Reik R, Stramer SL, Whitaker BI, Buccheri R, Zurita KG, Gehrig N, Forbes S, Wilson R, Pandey S, Custer B

In reply: Considering the reporting of race in the transfusion medicine literature.


Haspel RL, Bakhtary S, Miller YM, Reik R, Schneider WH

Transfusion-transmissible coinfections among US blood donors.


Conti G, Notari EP, Dodd RY, Gorlin J, Custer B, Reik R, Hailu B, Whitaker BI, Stramer SL, U.S. Transfusion-Transmissible Infections Monitoring System (TTIMS)

Adherence to COVID-19 vaccination recommendations and vaccine hesitancy in US blood donors.


Avelino-Silva VI, Bruhn R, Zurita KG, Grebe E, Stone M, Busch MP, Custer B

Characterization of blood bank and transfusion medicine practices for pregnant individuals with fetuses at risk of hemolytic disease in the United States.


Jacobs JW, Booth GS, Moise KJ, Adkins BD, Bakhtary S, Fasano RM, Goel R, Hinton HD, Laghari SA, Stephens LD, Tormey CA, Crowe EP, Bloch EM, Abels EA

SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels and long COVID occurrence in blood donors.


Avelino-Silva VI, Bruhn R, Zurita KG, Deng X, Yu EA, Grebe E, Stone M, Lanteri MC, Spencer BR, Busch MP, Custer B

Blood donor return behavior in South Africa and the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Jagirdar H, Nwobi NH, Swanevelder R, Cockeran R, Bruhn R, Kaidarova Z, Bravo MD, van den Berg K, Custer BS, Vassallo R, Ding Y, Panagiotoglou D, Russell WA

Testosterone supplementation increases red blood cell susceptibility to oxidative stress, decreases membrane deformability, and decreases survival after cold storage and transfusion.


Tran J, Jackman RP, Muench MO, Hazegh K, Bean SW, Thomas KA, Fang F, Page G, O'Connor K, Roubinian NH, Anawalt BD, Kanias T
